
The last module covers how with small and practical modifications in your routine, choices, and decisions you can get significant changes in the output. It covers how travelling can help you discover your true calling. Furthermore, it also covers how focusing on happy hormones and carrying an attitude of gratitude can result in awareness, success and productivity. The module has a dedicated section that explains the importance of Emotional Intelligence in work and everyday life. Lastly, the module explains how being kind and paying forward will help you attain a meaningful life. It also covers day-to-day hacks to make life more productive.

(Dr) Khanna is a certified & registered Independent Director for Indian boards, a certified Human Resource Director, a Career and Life Coach certified by ICF, an NLP practitioner,  a Thought Leader. He is awarded Honorary Doctorate for distinguished career spanning over 30 years in offering customized business solutions to multi-cultural and diverse industries, in providing strategic advisory to Boards /Top management, on Business Excellence, Supply Chain, Human Resource, Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability.

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Art of self Maximization(AoSM) Package
