The most important meaning of life should be happiness. Any individual's life is surrounded by the pursuit of happiness. However, do we all get that? People seek happiness in money, luxury, and ambition when all they want is right in front of them. This course will help you understand what it means to be truly happy. There are 10 modules, each focusing on diverse elements of human life that could lead to an unhappy life.
Introductory module with the basics of leading a happy life
(Dr) Khanna is a certified & registered Independent Director for Indian boards, a certified Human Resource Director, a Career and Life Coach certified by ICF, an NLP practitioner, a Thought Leader. He is awarded Honorary Doctorate for distinguished career spanning over 30 years in offering customized business solutions to multi-cultural and diverse industries, in providing strategic advisory to Boards /Top management, on Business Excellence, Supply Chain, Human Resource, Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability.
Art of self-maximization helps in deciding right path in all spheres of life. It's must read, especially for youngsters and I feel it is a best motivational guide. Mr. Khanna have shared his life experiences which really provides aid in attaining goals and to deal with every situation and became once best version.