Do you understand the distinctions between "Focused vs. Aimless", "Guided vs. Unmoored", "Intentional vs. Unpredictable", and "Purposeful vs. Wandering"?
The Academy for Self Maximization makes it nearly impossible to fail at discovering your Purpose, Passion, and Potential. We combine the simple yet powerful tools of IKIGAI, with IAPC&M (UK) accredited, ICPEM-Niti Ayog certified online courses, group and private coaching, as well as community support, so you’re never overwhelmed, stuck, or left wondering what to do next.At The Academy, we are on a mission to create 100,000 AoSM COACHPrenuers by 2030 and help you find your niche or expand your niche to include IKIGAI.
We teach you how to
be your own coach.
We show you how to take tiny steps towards big
We educate you on how to change the lives of others by becoming a coach.
Master coach Dr. Sanjeevv Khanna founded the Academy for Self Maximization to help people find their purpose of life or Ikigai. lkigai is a Japanese concept that roughly translates to "a reason for being." It is often used to describe the sense of purpose or fulfilment one experiences in work and life. The Academy's two programs set the standard for the life coaching industry, helping people create the impossible in their own lives.
Ikigai is Ikigai, authored by Dr. Sanjeevv Khanna, is packed with tools and powerful perspectives that will help anyone who is ready to make some serious shifts in their life.
Ready to start living a life of purpose, passion and potential? - Let's talk.Schedule your Strategy Call to discover your coaches and learn more about our coaching program.